Hanceville High and Middle Schools will be hosting a Veterans Day Program on Thursday, November 10th at 8:30AM. All Veterans and their families are invited to attend. If you or a family member plan to attend, please fill this form out ASAP. Thank you! https://forms.gle/93KWxduGcbyLcGb48
about 2 years ago, Hanceville Middle School
HHS Basketball starts this week with home games against Asbury (Nov 8) and Corner (Nov 11).
about 2 years ago, Hanceville High School
HHS Basketball start post.
All students are encouraged to bring non-perishable food items for the Fall Canned Food Drive sponsored by the HHS Leo Club and SGA now through November 10.
about 2 years ago, Hanceville High School
Canned Food Drive Fall 2022
Archery practice starts after school on November 8th from 3:00pm ā€“ 4:00pm
about 2 years ago, Hanceville Middle School
archery practice
Here's your 2022 HHS Basketball schedule for November! Watch for the remaining schedules as they are posted in coming months. You can find the full schedule on the school website.
about 2 years ago, Hanceville High School
NovemberBasketball Schedule 2022
The HHS Enhancer Yearbook staff will be selling past yearbooks at home basketball games this year for $25. Selections are limited.
about 2 years ago, Hanceville High School
Past yearbooks for sale
Hanceville Middle School and Hanceville High School would like to invite all Veterans and their families to our Veterans Day Assembly held in your honor. This assembly will be Thursday, November 10, 2022 at 8:30am in the Hanceville High School gymnasium. It will begin at 8:30am, and will have designated seating for veterans and their families. In order to make proper arrangements, we need to know ahead of time if you plan to attend. Please fill out the form if you and/or a family plans to attend. We look forward to seeing and celebrating all of you! Sincerely, Hanceville Middle & High School Staff https://forms.gle/FXPKhyKRn35EV9mm8
about 2 years ago, Hanceville Middle School
veterans day
Come out and support our Varsity Cheer Team as they compete at the Cullman County Cheer Competition today at 3pm at Holly Pond High School! Good luck girls!
about 2 years ago, Hanceville Middle School
Season passes for HHS Basketball home games are now on sale in the high school office. Passes are $50, which is a $20 value over the regular price of admission.
about 2 years ago, Hanceville High School
Basketball Season Pass
A representative from Herff Jones will be at HHS this Friday (Oct 28) to take orders/payments for caps/gowns and other senior products.
about 2 years ago, Hanceville High School
Congratulations to the 2022 Homecoming Representatives! Senior Representatives (front row, left to right): Dierra Merriweather, Savana McAnnally, and Cynthia Lar 9th Grade: Laiken Cryer 10th Grade: Kimberly Chavez Munoz 11th Grade: Samantha Briscoe The Middle School Reps are: 8th Grade (center): Millie Brown 7th Grade (right): Brynley Canady 6th Grade (left): Skylar Bagwell-Tankersley
about 2 years ago, Hanceville Middle School
HS HC Court
MS HC Court
Tomorrow we will have Cha Cha's Shaved Ice & a Taco Food Truck during our homecoming events. Students may want to bring extra money with them to purchase these items.
about 2 years ago, Hanceville Middle School
food truck
shaved ice
Free College Application Week is October 17 to October 21!
about 2 years ago, Hanceville High School
Free College App Week Post
HHS Homecoming 2022 is October 17-21! Go to the Announcments page on the school website to order a shirt.
about 2 years ago, Hanceville High School
Homecoming Events 2022
Fall Break is here! Students will be out of school Monday and Tuesday (Oct 10-11). We hope everyone has a great time over the next few days. See you Wednesday!
about 2 years ago, Hanceville High School
Fall break announcement
A representative from Herff Jones will be at HHS Friday, October 7, to begin the process of cap and gown orders. He will also speak with seniors about graduation announcements, senior merchandise, etc. He will return for orders on October 14.
about 2 years ago, Hanceville High School
Cap and gown order annoucement
Now is the time to get your 2022-23 HHS Enhancer yearbook! The cost is $35 until October 29th. After that, yearbooks will be $45. See Ms. Weaver or go to yearbookforever.com to purchase. (Please note that seniors will receive a yearbook with payment of their senior fees.)
about 2 years ago, Hanceville High School
Yearbook Ad
All HHS Seniors will take the WorkKeys Assessment on Thursday, October 6. Seniors should charge their Chromebooks in preparation for this event. The assessment will start at the beginning of the school day and should last until about lunchtime.
about 2 years ago, Hanceville High School
ACT WorkKeys Announcement
Archery tryouts will be after school on Wednesday until 4:30 PM!
about 2 years ago, Hanceville Middle School
Come support Kyra Bales as she competes for the title of Miss Cullman County Fair Queen at 7 PM on October 11 at the Cullman County Fair Grounds. Contact the HHS office to purchase t-shirts.
about 2 years ago, Hanceville High School
Kyra Bales Fair Queen Rep